New Year - a perfect time to start a yoga practice

As we emerge from the festivities of the holiday season and walk into a bright shiny New Year, we may be full of good intention and determination to meet our New Year goal of improved health and wellbeing.  In yoga, our intention is called Sankalpa and it translates to mean "resolve" -  a positive affirmation that directs our thoughts and energies.  An Intention is where our mind and hearts meet, and as we move our attention to our intention -  energy flows.

Many of us fail to remember that we are already that, which we seek (unconditional and perfect expressions of love) and get caught up in our weight or our relationships or our work and make choices that are based on our ill-informed ego rather than the knowledge that we are "enough" - that in this moment we are perfectly imperfect and all we truly need is the courage to love ourselves unconditionally. What if you simply devoted this year to be more loving with yourself???

A yoga practice is a perfect opportunity for you to meet yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually and to become aware of the habitual patterns that drag you back into the abyss of self-loathing and repetitive cycles. Your life won't change overnight, but the way that you think about it might! We are what we think, and I hope that 2018 brings you to a place where you delight in your body - and what it can and cannot do.  I hope that this opening to a New Year of possibility gives you an opportunity to remember who you REALLY are so that you can radiate light the way it has always been intended.  I hope that 2018 brings you a sense of coming home - to your body, to your breath, and to your heart. 

Our holiday yoga schedule has been posted, and we will be posting the 2018 Summer schedule shortly.  If your intention is to improve your sense of well-being in 2018, then I strongly suggest that you make more time for yoga. I look forward to meeting you on the mat. 


timetableMaree Taylor