A Path to Peace - Yoga Retreat Vietnam

Join Maree on A Path to Peace Yoga Retreat in Vietnam, June 19-25, 2024 (6 nights/ days) at the 5-star luxury and  award-winning  Alba Wellness Valley Resort, Hue. Through the mindful practices of yoga, meditation, iRest Yoga Nidra, forest walks, time in nature, and the healing powers of thermal springs, daily massage, Onsen and craft, this retreat intends to embed practices in your daily living that align with your own deep truth - that peace is the path.

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Maree Taylor
class passes and monthly subscriptions ~ 2025.

We know that practicing yoga and meditation regularly are key to being healthy, balanced. and happy. That’s why we are offering monthly subscriptions to Yoga Tree Stanthorpe, so you can enjoy unlimited classes over a month, in addition to having access to our recorded library, and discounts on workshops and retreats. Other passes on offer include block passes, which reduce the price of each class; a Locals Introductory pass, and a Visitor’s pass - read on to get the details. With new classes starting next week, now is the time to book your pass and class.

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Yoga Tree
Awakening - Day Retreat at the Ananda Pali Retreat Centre, Severnlea

This  day retreat, in the beautiful surroundings of Ananda Pali on the Granite Belt, invites you to experience a range of movement and meditation practices to awaken to your true nature as spirit. Spring is nature’s New Year and a perfect time to retreat to re-engage with “growing yang” or energy needed to flourish. The Yoga Tree Stanthorpe teachers will offer a sample of their classes, and there will be opportunity to be in nature, to reflect, to eat amazing high energy food and connect with a fabulous community.

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Give the Gift of Yoga this Christmas

Yoga Tree gift cards are available for an amount that you cnoose - a single class or a monthly subscription! You may like to gift one of our locally handmade organic lavender eye pillows to start Savasana right!

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Yoga Tree
New Zealand Yoga Retreat, 11-16 September, 2022

Are you looking for a 5-day yoga retreat?

Are you craving stillness in a beautiful location, where you can feel grounded and safe to deeply explore yoga and meditation?

This retreat offers 5 days of yoga, meditation, mindfulness practices and iRest Yoga Nidra, both indoors and in the beautiful open spaces the retreat centre offers. This retreat is an opportunity to energise your connection with nature, and to return to your own centre – to remember the heart of who you are. Maree Taylor, owner, and director of Yoga Tree Stanthorpe teaches an authentic yoga practice that is based in embodied awareness, that facilitates a deep connection between the movement practice, mindfulness, and mental engagement. When we practice in this way, we cultivate ease in our mind, body and spirit and remember the light of our own deep hearts.


Expressions of interest: Maree 0428391197 yogaheart66@gmail.com

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Yoga Tree
Happy New Year Yogis!

As we face the cusp of a New Year it provides occasion to reflect on the year that has been - the joys, the challenges, the uncertainty and the opportunities for growth and change. Throughout 2021 we were challenged by ideologies that seemed intent on dividing us rather than uniting us. Social upheaval or global fragility can force us to consider our own actions and ideals and the yoga mat has provided space to reflect and contemplate our own path and what constitutes "skillful action" for each of us.

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Yoga Tree
Surrender into Autumn

The Granite Belt is such a beautiful part of the world to enjoy Autumn - and one of the very few places in Queensland where we can observe Nature transitioning through her cycles. Living in a rural landscape affords us the opportunity to fall in step with the seasons more naturally, and to surrender the high energy of summer and start to prepare for the colder darker days of winter.

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Maree Taylor
Alive & Awake Chakra Yoga Retreat

Come and explore beautiful Nusa Lembongan (Indonesia) and awaken and enliven your mind body and spirit potential through a sequential exploration of the Chakra (energy) system.

7 days of Yoga, meditation, relaxation, mantra , mudra, beach and sunshine nestled in a private resort with stunning views awaits. Swimming with Manta rays in chyrstal clear waters is optional …bookings strictly limited.

Contact Maree :yogaheart66@gmail.com: 0438391197

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Women's Temple Yoga Day Retreat

This day is for women to spend time together in a beautiful setting where you will find deep nourishment in accessible yoga practices, art journalling, meditation, and delicious relaxation.

The day includes:

  • 2 yoga classes - a slow flow to awaken Shakti and a Yin practice to move inwards

  • Meditation to tap into your purpose and align with your passion

  • Delicious vegetarian food

  • Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation)

  • A workshop to assist with uncovering and sustaining your IKIGAI (the things that make your life worthwhile)

  • Sangha (community of like minded people)

$100/$90 EARLY BIRD (November 30)

Contact: Maree: 0428391197 / 46834 360

Please send your expression of interest to Maree: yogaheart66@gmail.com

Bank details:

Maree Taylor

Commonwealth Bank Stanthorpe BSB: 064-431 A/C No: 1019 0784

Please use your name as reference

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Maree Taylor
Yoga Meditation Monks and Mountain Zen

Wabi~Sabi – the art of imperfection

Two of my great life loves (yoga teaching & travel) where always going to find each other, in some form and in some beautiful moment in time. In October I found myself in Japan with 11 willing women who trusted me to lead them on my Yoga Meditation Monks and Mountain Zen yoga retreat. The retreat was designed to highlight some of Japan’s most exquisite places and spaces; to offer insight into the underlying philosophy of kindness and respect that is bespoke of Japanese culture; to practice yoga and meditation and integrate the teachings of the Yamas and Niyamas (first two limbs of Pantanjali’s eight fold path) in a focused and real way.

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RetreatsYoga TreeComment