Happy New Year Yogis!
Happy New Year Yogis!
Trusting that you have had the chance to spend time with loved ones over the festive season, and that you have created space to just BE with the breath of life.
As we face the cusp of a New Year it provides occasion to reflect on the year that has been - the joys, the challenges, the uncertainty and the opportunities for growth and change. Throughout 2021 we were challenged by ideologies that seemed intent on dividing us rather than uniting us. Social upheaval or global fragility can force us to consider our own actions and ideals and the yoga mat has provided space to reflect and contemplate our own path and what constitutes "skillful action" for each of us.
We have been gifted with the opportunity to really bring our practice to life during 2021. The ancient yogic teachings describe Saucha (cleanliness of body, purity of mind) as a way to protect our space and our minds and create a clear, peaceful state. Thank you for adhering to the COVID19 regulations that were insitu at the studio this year, that have kept us safe and respectful of each other.
Meditation and breath work promote Saucha through clarity, and present moment awareness whilst reducing anxiety. Working towards mastery of these skills has been a bonus that will carry us way beyond 2021! Svadhyaya (study of the self), reflecting on our beliefs, our emotions, our fears and our biases has enabled us to live in community with one another, despite differing opinions and has opened us to new ideas, and new ways of staying connected in an increasing fragile world. Our yoga asana has created flexible, strong bodies that remind us that we are responsible for maintaining this incredible instrument, that is miraculous in its complexity and Divine in its mystery.
We thank each of you for choosing to make a difference; for choosing to stay grounded and connected to yourself and each other. We have no doubt that you have made a positive contribution to our yoga community, and are grateful for your open hearts and minds that have allowed us to follow our heart's path and share yoga with you.
Blessings for a bright and peaceful New Year.
Aum Sat Tat
Maree & Majella