Seeding Intention - Yoga Day Retreat
Sunday January 23, 2022 9am - 4 pm
Dharma ~ Sankalpa ~ Heart's Path ~ Intention
Join Maree and guest teachers for a juicy day retreat on the beautiful Granite Belt, where we will explore our dharma ~ heart's path and create Sankalpa (intention) through various yogic practices ~ movement, meditation, breath work, yoga nidra, reflection and creativity.
Identifying our Sankalpa or heart's path requires space to sit quietly and listen. It's a little different to goal setting. We don't have to make it up - we need to pause and remember it.
The retreat centre is in beautiful natural surrounds. You will be nourished with high energy food and participate in sessions to support and align your actions with your inner values.
Access all levels. Limited spaces. Early bird $125 (if paid in full before 07/01/22) $135 full price.
Please email your intention to attend to Maree: and payment details will be forwarded to you.